SO Many things, so little time
My parents gave me the opportunity to develop many skills growing up on a farm. With the benefit of the opportunity to travel, I’ve encountered so many aspects of life I’d like to pursue, but the reality of living means you have to make a decision about what you really want to do.

Having spent many years creating systems to make it happen, I now pursue making my own.
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My father was a Spitfire pilot during WWII, and passed on a passion for flight. I now help run Airshows.
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family history
Understanding your family history creates a fabric that makes you stronger in your identity.
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MY Story
Here’s a little bit more …
My mother was a very prolific painter and artist. As children, our rooms were decorated with her artwork, on the curtains, on the walls, and our garden itself was a visual delight. Over her lifetime we estimate she would have produced over 5,000 works of art.
As a farmer’s wife, she was primarily self taught, but rose to a level of skill where her paintings were hung at the prestigious Kelliher Exhibition in 1965.
As part of my family history research, we found out that she was in fact a direct descendant of the famous Arlaud family from Lausanne in Switzerland. My wife and I visited the L’Espace Arlaud Gallery in the center of Lausanne in 2013, and were warmly welcomed.
I’ve always wanted to fly, but circumstances prevented me completing the training. I managed to do get to fly gliders though. I now work helping with the management of Airshows, having written software that is used to schedule and organise Airshows. This provides an effective tool to manage the very volatile event schedules, as well as address Health & Safety issues.



Researching my Family History has been a most exciting and rewarding endeavour. It has connected me with both living and past members of my family, and some very, very exciting stories. I found out one great great grandfather from Ireland was a Colour Sergeant in the 58th Regiment that came to New Zealand in 1843. He was here for 16 years, and no-one in the current family ever knew. I’ve also connected with family in America who’s great grandfather settled in Indiana, USA, while mine came to New Zealand. Also relatives still living in Tralee where the family originally lived. When I look at my own talents and skills, I can see them all there in the family tree, from technology to people, music and art.